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1066 Country
Everything you wanted to know about Britain
Links to many aspects of British Culture
Welcome to Sussex
Online dictionaries
Cambridge online dictionary
Dictionary of etymology
Oxford Advanced Learners
The British - About the people
10 famous Britons you've probably not heard of
100 most powerful people in British culture
A humorous view of the British
About the Great British Survey
Americans talk about the British
BBC Historic figures site
Britain - for learners of English
Britain's greatest invention trailer
British population animation
Comedy sketch about social class
Greart Britons - online exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery
Kahoot quiz about London
Morgan Stanley Great Britons
Students talk about Britishness
Top 100 Britons at NPG
What are the British like?
What do the Scots think about the English?
Audio and video history clips
Chalk figures
Great Fire of London
Great Fire of London animation
History of Britain - Elizabeth 1
History of Britain - Oliver Cromwell
History of Britain - The British Empire
History of Britain - The Romans
History of Britain - Victorian Britain
History on the Net
Kings and queens timeline
Norman buildings
Restoration London
Smuggler's Inne, Alfriston
Terrible Tudors, Vile Victorians
The IRA- The Secret war part 1
Victorian mugshots
Visual narrative of the battle of Trafalgar
Wartime Advertising posters
Wikipedia - The Patriot Game
World War 1 movies
World War 2 movies
Tony Blair / David Cameron
Literature and writers
Contemporary writers
Peter Pan online Panto script
Facts about Britain
'We are a nation of lazy porkers'
A third of men live with parents
Bonfire celebrations in Lewes, East Sussex
British Culture Quiz
British icons
Friday 13th - its origins
Hot and cold taps
quizzes about Britain
Quizzes about Britain
The economics of social trends
UK statistics
Young not learning languages
TV/Film/radio links
Brit films
British film institute
British Film Quiz
British Pathe Film archives
Channel 4
Channel 4 - Best British Films
Channel 5
Dedicated to British films
Dragons' Den
English Baby - a soap opera for learning English
Film trailers / clips
Links to all BBC radio
Links to BBC TV channels
National Film archive
The Weakest Link
Top 50 British Films - Channel 4
Website about soap operas
The English language
21st Century Flux (musical version)
21st Century Flux Youtube
24 accents - good but rude in places
A tour of British accents
Ages of English timeline
An animated history of English in 10 minutes
British / American English
British newspapers
British v American English quiz
Cockney Rhyming slang - Anglophenia
Dictionary of journalese
Humorous headlines
Keep up-to-date with English
More British accents
New words in English
Newspaper headlines powerpoint
Peter Sellers does some British accents
The language of newspapers
UK newspaper guide
What's your English?
Music and Art
Bloc Part Hunting for Witches
David Bowie - Space Oddity
Hole in the Head - Sugababes
John Lennon - Imagine
Madness - Our House
Paiting of famous people
Posters of English artists
Sam Cooke
Sting - Big lie small world
Summary of different styles of British music
The Jam - Going Underground
The Specials - Too much too young
Top of the Pops
Top of the Pops 2
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